Cities of Tomorrow #8



Congratulations to the four winners of the project competition!

Business Environment: Triptic Studio

Green Spots Technology

Green Spots is a Made in Romania smart city solution that charges mobile devices such as mobile phones, laptops or using solar energy founded by 2 architects, 1 business developer and a World Bank consultant on urban regeneration who manages the full process from design to manufacture.
As electric mobile devices need permanent charging for a proper mobility, Green Spots enables the use of solar charging options tackling the pollution problem (low environmental impact). Green Spots has implemented 5 chargers in Romanian major cities and in Bucharest and is currently negotiating entrance on new international markets.

Public Administration: Vaslui Municipality

Rehabilitation & Destination Change of Former Power Plant Buildings

Former neighbourhood power plants that were heating communist flats remained without their main utility, since the centralized heating system has become technically outdated. Most users gave up on this service & chose individual heating systems. From 27 heating power plants, only 2 are still working. The other non-functional buildings were presenting a high risk for the health and safety of citizens. Vaslui Municipality started a complex process of rehabilitation and destination change in collaboration with Vaslui Local Council. The following objectives were realised: two day care centres for elderly, a day care centre for schoolchildren, a cultural centre, a club for retired persons & a „Friendship” club.

Civil Society: Planeta Petrila Association

Post-industrial Regeneration

Planeta Petrila represents a bottom-up post-mining regeneration project that changes the attitude towards the modern industrial heritage as an essential resource for the regeneration of monoindustrial areas. Petrila project is nowadays in its 8th year, with significant results: keeping the Petrila Mine buildings in place, listing them as National Heritage Cathegory A and transforming the industrial site in the most important contemporary artistic setting and the most visited place in town. Next steps include the establishment of an IT/ robotics hub in Petrila, followed by the recognition of representative characteristics of the industrial heritage in entire Jiu Valley, transforming the former mines sites into mixed use (history + culture + technology + bussines) regenerated centers.

Healthcare/Citizen Safety: Sibiu County Council

New County Hospital

The project of building a new county hospital for adults and children in Sibiu responds to the need for modern, holistic and high quality health services, with a design that ensures an adequate response to epidemics and other emergencies while integrating respect for the environment and the opportunities of digitalization. The current county hospital is hosted in 27 different buildings, the oldest ones dating back to 1857. In the absence of a Municipal Hospital, Sibiu County Hospital serves the 460.000 inhabitants of Sibiu county, as well as patients from neighbouring counties. The project is in an advanced stage. Sibiu County Council owns the plot of land for the construction and an environmental assessment confirmed the location is adequate for a public hospital. Initial urban planning permits have been obtained and the technical and economic documentation related to the feasibility study has been completed. The process of accessing European funding has been initiated.

 AHK Romania | German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Calea Grivitei 82-98 et. 1, Building The Mark, Corp The Podium, 010736 Bucuresti